Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Automobile Accessories Are Car/Automobile Accessories A Negotiable Price Anytime After A Car Purchase?

Are Car/Automobile Accessories a Negotiable Price anytime after a car purchase? - automobile accessories

I bought a car in March '09 (now in October '09).

I am aware that items can be added when purchasing a car at reduced prices or sweeten the deal.

But I wanted to buy specific accessories for the car if I need to buy parts for service distribution.

Can you negotiate the price? Cars can "officially" a fixed price at any retailer?


VeritasP... said...

The simple answer is no. You could have told them that if they are interested in buying the car ... But six months later ... In addition, dealers usually sell the same brand original accessories for the same price - is standardized. However, if you want to buy aftermarket accessories for them is another story. They typically have high profit margins dealer anyway. Many parts can be as good or better than OEM parts, and cost the same or less than what is called dealer.

Rod Knocker said...

You can try to haggle, but you Iwill not good. They have no incentive to lower the price, you have already bought the car.

Rod Knocker said...

You can try to haggle, but you Iwill not good. They have no incentive to lower the price, you have already bought the car.

bikerwoo... said...

Get a discount because it is a good customer. Never hurts to ask.

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