Saturday, February 13, 2010

Girl Team Shower What Manga Has A Girl Accidentally Using Men's Shower?

What manga has a girl accidentally using men's shower? - girl team shower

She was tempted by other girls and went into the closet of the children, where he spotted one of the boys. He caught and held until all the other guys left. I think she was on the swim team.

Please help if you can!


SarabiPw... said...

I read something like that. But with more details. To named Kasumi. Basically, Kasumi could be invisible when she held her breath and her uncle, he could go through walls or something. And in this scene, these girls were wrong to see Kasumi, and a bathing suit that was through, when I was in the water, and that was all. And somehow ended up in the dressing room of the child in the man kissed her and went through a wall, no problems ... (COM ...

Anywho, what are these characters, so it helps to see them, because my explanation sucked: ...

★Fallen★ ★Oтaĸυ★ said...

Umm I do not know what but I remember vaguely a story about a man happens in a locker room of the girls and almost the same

Tskushi said...

Um ... I'm not sure ... But I am sure that 80% of Peach Girl ...
These Oo Lol.

Anyway. I hope that helped:]

Miss E said...

Omg I remember a ... Shit I have .. sorry. Vote me down. >.> * * Useless

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